React Finland 2018

I know this comes a way late, but I had written this short summary, about my experience in React Finland, right after the conference but just didn't get around to finish and publish it. So I'm doing it now.

React Finland was held for the first time last April. The event had three days where the first day was for workshops, where you could attend 1-2 workshops, and two days for the actual conference. I attended all three days (shoutout to Jakamo for sponsoring the tickets).

My choice of workshops was a testing workshop held by Sara Vieira & Kasia Jastrzębska and component driven development workshop held by Andrey Okonetchnikov & Artem Sapegin. It wasn't an easy choice since there were quite a few interesting workshops to choose from.

I had previous experience about writing tests for javascript but none for writing for React components. The workshop was very beginner friendly and hands on, which I liked given my experience on the subject. Component driven development workshop was also interesting. The idea of component driven development was quite new for me. It was a good mix of theory and actual coding.

Tweet: "We had the best attendees...

When it comes to the actual conference days, I listened almost all of the talks and there were some quite interesting ones. Once again, I got reminded of the fact how little one actually knows. I'd say my favorite talks were about Immer, Reason, Reactive state machines and statecharts, Styled components, Ken Wheeler's "How React changed everything" and Sven Sauleau's "Understanding the differences is accepting". You can check out the talks from YouTube. I think the organisers did a good job choosing the speakers and it was a good mix of entertaining and educating talks.

Tweet: Everything is fine...

Overall React Finland was a conference that I really enjoyed. I met great people, I learned a lot and I learned that I need to learn a lot more. If I have the opportunity I will definitely attend also next year!

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